Log House - Cross Park

Wolkensdörfer Log House/Cross Park

On Main Street/M-83, across from Bronner's
Frankenmuth, MI 48734

Phone: 989-652-9701

Wolkensdörfer Log House/Cross Park


The Wolkensdoerfer Log House (house instead of cabin because this structure has two full stories rather than just one) was built by 27-year-old Johann Georg Wolkensdoerfer in August of 1852 in Frankentrost (between Maple and Bradley roads in Frankenmuth Township). As the Wolkensdoerfer name died out in the Franken-colony area, the house sat, was sided by additional wood (which most likely saved the structure from rot and other damage), and was used as a storage shed until 1975. While doing some updating to the "shed", William Daeschlein discovered the original logs and the true origin of the building. The Log House turned out to be the only remaining original log house in the township and one of the few remaining in the county. The structure was donated to the Frankenmuth Historical Association and was dismantled by a group of volunteers and the Frankenmuth Jaycees in August of 1976. Each piece was numbered and photographed as a plan for reconstructing the house when funds were available. The house was in storage from 1976 until 1982, when it was reconstructed at Cross Park. Inside, the house is restored to look similar to how a log house would look in the 1870's. The Frankenmuth Historical Association uses the house for programs for students, Boy and Girl Scouts, and as a host site for their Annual Pioneer Fest, the third Saturday of August.